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Making a decision to commit is a big deal.

This time of year, when the world is on the “new year, new you” hype, we are all propelled into the inevitable thought train of what we want to achieve.

We dream big…

Many of my clients are coming to me with huge goals and aspirations. Most of which are focussed on their weight, nutrition or self care practices.

…”I’m going to meditate every day for 300 minutes…”

I too jumped on this bandwagon this year; making some small, huge, gigantic steps just before Christmas and so far… I’m still here.

So if I can do it, if I can take those first steps and stay on track… what’s my secret? Am I some invincible manifester of epic proportions with the willpower of a donkey?

Absolutely not. Are you kidding me? The first sign of stress and making an SOS to my No. 2 in command AKA my Mum.

But what I did do is put the necessary steps in to be able to stay on track.

Think of it like the bumper rails at the bowling alley.

What do I need to do to stay on track?

What do YOU need to do to stay on track?

Ok let’s break this down… eating more vegetables?

Step 1- make a meal plan that puts veggies left, right and centre!

Step 2 - buy them! Frozen is FINE. Get over that need to buy organic, sustainable etc… yes it’s VERY important but not right now. This is your bumper rails time.

Step 3. Have prepared veggies ready in the fridge. Cut up some carrot sticks, make a fruit salad and have it all within your eye gaze when you open the doors… if it means buying ready cut batons (this offends me greatly!) but do it.

That’s just three simple steps, easily implementably and that will just help you in your first steps. It’s a 1% habit that’s wrapped in bubble wrap to keep it safe and unbreakable.

I don’t want to be governed by numbers, calories and counting so what are my steps?

  • deleting my fitness pal.

  • Covering every nutrition label with a sticker so I can’t see a thing

  • Picking my meal deal from about 5m back (my eyesight is NOT that good!)

  • Making an action board and letting my peers in on the goals.

  • Not going for meals where the calories are printed


My steps may seem pathetic to you but they’re mine and I’ll take all the bubble wrap I can, to be able to reach my North Star.

So truly ask yourself that question.

It’s tough but dig for that answer

What steps can you put in place to bubble wrap your dream?

What actions can you implement that will act as your bumper rails?

And if you’re not willing to do those steps… do you, hold on, do WE really want to reach that North Star.

Tough question

But let’s get real

Dream big, start small, commit and watch.

And always live life as Sweet as a Peach

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Updated: Dec 28, 2022

Fit. Healthy. Strong. Happy. Balanced.

What do these words actually mean?

To you? To me? To the selfie queen girl or the guy pumped with steroids. What do these terms mean to you?

As a Personal trainer, nutrition coach, massage therapist and fitness instructor surely you’d look to me to have the answers?

Guess what? I don’t. Recently, more than ever; I’ve realised just how distorted, restricted and quite frankly miserable my existence has become.

With my clients I advocate balance.

"Eat the rainbow but DONT’t count calories".

"Workout but DON'T turn on the watch"

"Run because you can not because you have to"

"Enjoy your life at every turn"

With myself however…

I don’t live by these philosophies. Life is one of calculation, measure and justification mainly in relation to food and intake.

This last week has seen a turnaround and I'm going to dig deep, recognise what is going on and resolute to making a difference not only for myself but also for you, for my clients, my business and reputation.

So the facts of the situation.

I’m medically underweight.

On a physiological level, body systems DON'T work.

Socially I lead a restricted life where I limit my plans to those I can safely control and my behaviours include counting every gram, weighing specific foods and punishing my body with relentless determination.

So why tell you all this?

To totally ruin my business? My clients will surely run a mile… you reading this may think "HELL NO" to ever getting advice from a fruit loop like this.

But I tell you for accountability

There is no more tracking, weighing or counting.

I’ll exercise for sure and learn how to enjoy it again.

Raining?… no I’m not slogging it out on the pavement

Weight gain is not only absolutely necessary but my future depends on it. The questions I’ll return to throughout is simple

“Is this action taking me further to my goal?”

“Can I live with the regret of not acting”

I’ll be documenting my way through this process and even posting photos of my very own transformation.

So why should you train with me? Why invest in someone who clearly doesn’t advocate what they advise.

Well it’s exactly BECAUSE of that.

Because I get it.

I get how complicated our lives, mental states and habits truly are. How entrenched and deep rooted they become.

I get that we all have triggers and that overcoming them feels impossible but by me sharing my own vulnerabilities and showing my true colours, you’ll realise that you can do this too.

There’s no shame.

There’s no judgement

And we truly are all in this together.

This is my SweetPeach journey

This is our future

And we’re all in this together

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